Birthday Thank You Wording

A birthday thank you card or note will show your recognition and appreciation for your guests' attendance and/or gifts.

  • A birthday thank you should be sent out within a few weeks after your birthday.
  • Don't mention specific dollar amounts for gifts, instead be more general.
    e.g. "Thank you for your generous gift, I will put it towards buying a new trampoline that I've been eyeing."
  • For non-cash gifts, mention the item and how you appreciate it, a specific detail about it, or how you'll be using it.
    e.g. "Thank you so much for the red sweater, it looks so soft and comfortable. Red is also my favorite color."
  • If you remember a specific detail about the guest, write about it.
    e.g. "Thank you for being so animated during the games."
  • If possible, try to handwrite your thank yous, this will make it more intimate.
  • Thank yous don't need to be super long, usually just a few sentences will be enough.
  • If you are writing the thank yous on behalf of your child, writing it from their point of view will add a nice touch.
    e.g. "Thank you for celebrating my first birthday with me, I had such a great time! I really like the outfit you got me, my mommy says I look adorable in it!"
Birthday Wording Samples

Thank You for The Birthday Gift

Thank you for your generous gift, it was really thoughtful of you to remember me on my birthday, I will be using it towards buying a new pair of shoes that I've been eyeing.
Thank you for getting me the perfect gift, you know me so well. I absolutely love it!
I'm truly overwhelmed by your generosity. Thank you so much for your wonderfully generous gift.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful birthday gift. Every time I use it I will think of you.
I just wanted to let you know how much I love the birthday gift you got me! Thank you so much.
Your gift means so much to me, thank you for taking the time and effort to pick out such a perfect gift for me.
Thanks for making my birthday extra special with your generous gift.
It means so much that you thought of me on my birthday; thank you for your amazing gift.
I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the truly wonderful gift that you gave me for my birthday.
Your gift made me feel so loved on my special day. Thank you so much.

Thank You for Attending My Birthday Party
Celebrating my birthday with you was so much fun. Thanks so much for making my special day extra special.
Thanks for adding to the joy of my birthday celebration with your presence.
I was really happy that you could join me on my special day, it meant a lot to me.
Thanks for always being there for me, especially on my birthday.
I'm thankful that we got to spend time together on our birthday. I had a really good time catching up with you.
Thanks for coming to my birthday celebration. You were a lot of fun; everyone thought you had were funny and had great stories.
It was such a pleasure to see you on my birthday. I'm so lucky to have you in my life.
Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to come out and celebrate my big day with me.
I'm so grateful that you could make it to my birthday celebration. I hope you had lots of fun.
Thank you for celebrating with me on my birthday; it means the world to me that you were there.

Thank You for Attending My Birthday Party and The Birthday Gift

My birthday wouldn't have been the same without you there, thank you so much for making it out and for your lovely gift.
Thank you for making my birthday so amazing with your love, presence, and thoughtful gift.
Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me and for your wonderful gift.
Having friends like you makes getting older more bearable. Thank you for coming out and thank you for the your generous gift.
Thank you for blessing me with your presence and making my birthday extra special. Also, thank you for giving me such a great present.
I'm really glad that you were able to make it to my birthday celebration, it would not have been the same without you there. Thank you for your presence and lovely present.
Thank you for attending my birthday party. Your presence really made my day feel extra special. Thank you for the generous gift, I really appreciate it.
Thank you for making my birthday extra special with your loving gift, kind words, and warm presence.
Thank you for coming to my birthday party and making it the best birthday I ever had. I also really appreciate your generous gift, it was really thoughtful of you.
Though I'm thankful for the gift you gave me, the best gift was seeing you on my birthday.

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